
The ChIP-Seq Sample Preparation Advantage

ChIP-Seq is a powerful sequencing technology that can be used to study genome wide protein-DNA interactions in vivo. The sample preparation procedure for sequencing is cumbersome due to many technical factors including cell inputs, sample fixation, quality of antibody, and the abundance of the targeted epitope of interest. Covaris truChIP ChIP-seq sample prep kits, paired with AFA-energetics®, can be utilized to process all mammalian cell lines for downstream analysis.

truChIP® Chromatin Shearing Kit with Formaldehyde

Optimized for the efficient and reproducible shearing of chromatin from cultured mammalian cells (suspension or adherent) using Covaris AFA® Focused-ultrasonicators.

truChIP Chromatin Shearing Tissue Kit

Optimized for the efficient and reproducible shearing of chromatin from tissues (20-120mg) using Covaris AFA® Focused-ultrasonicators.

truChIP® FFPE Chromatin Shearing Kit

Optimized for the extraction and shearing of chromatin from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissues using Covaris AFA® Focused-ultrasonicators.

"The sample preparation workflow for ChIP-Seq is very challenging. After using other methods that failed to work well, our laboratory decided to evaluate the Covaris workflow. We value the system for its efficient handling of small sample volumes and its high reproducibility.”
Rui Yi, PhD

Principal Investigator at The University of Colorado, Boulder

truChIP Workflow